About Me

I'm a teacher who is still quite new to poetry writing. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them and I'd welcome any comments or thoughts you may have.

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Primary School Fire Practice

Man the lifeboats! Call 911!
Save yourself while there’s still time!
The fire bell goes off in the middle of maths
and everyone falls into line.

“Is it a practice or is there really a blaze Miss?”
“I’m sure that I can smell smoke.”
“Josh said he was going to set the alarm off!”
“And I saw him give it a poke!”

So onto the playground the whole school descends
and each child is brought to attention.
They stamp their feet in the freezing rain
anything for some heat retention.

Then in with a cheer and to a round of applause
come the firemen, all bravado and flair.
With smiles wide and flashing and a glint in their eyes
the lady teachers start smoothing their hair.

“Is everyone out? Is everyone here?”
Asks a fireman in full flameproof gear.
“And who’s that fella’ heading back into the flames?
Oi you man! Get over ‘ere!”

With a wet blanket shielding his body and face
the hero turned, gave a grin
“My Hull City tie never shall burn!
Forget me! I’m going back in!”

A few minutes later he returned, black as soot
coughing up dust and burnt plaster.
“This is my school!” He said clutching the tie to his chest.
Who am I? Why I’m the Headmaster!”

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