About Me

I'm a teacher who is still quite new to poetry writing. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them and I'd welcome any comments or thoughts you may have.

Sunday, 20 July 2008

The Ears

You know the picture.
A pair of friends.
A group shot maybe.

Usually by a famous landmark,
an immense landscape
or on the steps of museum eating lunch.

But when the shutter froze the moment,
like an insect in ice,
the boy smiling - centre frame –
became a stooge, the punch-line of the joke.

The two flexed fingers raised behind his head
present an ass, a jack-rabbit – a jack-ass.

A photograph of friendship
intended to be cherished, now tinted
with the yellow haze of mockery.

And in the back of the scene, in a tree shaded café
rests an empty coffee cup, a stained steel spoon.

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