About Me

I'm a teacher who is still quite new to poetry writing. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them and I'd welcome any comments or thoughts you may have.

Monday, 3 March 2008

Thank You Billy Collins

Billy Collins' writing inspired me to take up writing poetry. I was so impressed by how he combines clarity with such imagination and brevity. He makes it look so effortless and easy. Something that it definitely is not.

I'd love to hear him read live. I was mortified to find that last year he read at a high school less than 1/4 mile from my front door! Although I hadn't heard of him back then.

It's hard to pick a favourite poem. Even those that didn't appeal to me at first eventually rose to the top to thrill me.

At the moment I keep re-reading "Istanbul". It's about a visit to a Turkish bath, and having experienced the real thing myself in Turkey, he really rings true. It's quite an experience.

"Driving Myself to a Poetry Reading" and "Wires of the Night" contain some wonderful images and similes.

I love listening to Billy's MP3 recording of "The Best Cigarette" anthology late at night in bed. I hear something different in the poems each time I hear them.

I'd love to hear from others fans, particularly those here in England.

And as you're here... read on for some of my stuff. Let me know what you think. Thanks.

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